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Karen Cover lit a candle
Thursday, November 8, 2018
As a youth alter server at St. Anne's Church in Warren, Robert was a serious student of the Latin Mass. He was very good with prayer recitations. This is a Latin prayer for the deceased that he would have known.
Te, Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens aetérne Deus,
supplices deprecámur pro anima fámuli tui Robert,
quem (quam) de hoc sǽculo ad te venire iussísti;
ut ei dignéris dare locum refrigérii, lucis et pacis.
Líceat ei portas mortis sine offensióne transíre
et in mansiónibus sanctórum et in luce sancta permáneat,
quam olim Abrahæ et eius sémini promisísti.
Nullam eius ánima sustíneat læsionem,
sed, cum magnus dies ille resurrectiónis
et remuneratiónis advénerit,
resuscitáre eum, Dómine,
una cum sanctis et eléctis dignéris;
dimíttas ei ómnia delícta atque peccáta,
tecúmque immortalitátis vitam
et regnum consequátur æternum.
R. Amen.
In English
Holy Lord, almighty and eternal God,
hear our prayers for your servant Robert,
whom you have summoned out of this world.
Forgive his sins and failings
and grant him a place of refreshment, light and peace.
Let him pass unharmed through the gates of death
to dwell with the blessed in light,
as you promised to Abraham and his children for ever.
Accept Robert into your safe-keeping
and on the great day of judgment
raise him up with all the saints
to inherit your eternal kingdom.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.
The family of Robert Clyde Cover uploaded a photo
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
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The family of Robert Clyde Cover uploaded a photo
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
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The family of Robert Clyde Cover uploaded a photo
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
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